Due to WTM cancelation, we decided to host a full week of webinars, mixing guest speakers with our own team's presentations.
Covid times have generated a huge uncertainty. But, some companies succeeded in facing the situation with better results than others. Their success is due to long term strategy triggered 5 or 10 years ago based on a strict piloting and a clear segmentation of the demand. Learn how they did!
The 2020 year has been extremely intense in terms of development to support WeYield clients in the Covid difficult times. 3 new modules have been released to pilot your yield with more efficiency: IA demand forecast, air analytics to anticipate airline bookings and the Car Performance Index to compare competition performance.
Based on a 30-year experience at Europcar to lead the Fleet Department, Nathalie shares her good practices to improve fleet management processes. Clearly, like for the demand, a medium and long term strategy mixed with a lot of flexible contractual conditions are crucial to face uncertainty and prevent a cost increase.