Forum Paris 2023

Register now
October 2, 2023
de 14h à 20h
Événement terminé

Event details

The WeYield Forum is dedicated to car rental professionals who want to learn new Yield Management practices to boost their performance. It's a unique opportunity for them to broaden their knowledge of the latest tools and techniques. For participants from all over the world, whether independent car rental operators or car hire franchisees of a major brand, the Forum is an opportunity for peer-to-peer exchange on optimization issues.

Practical information

Sessions in 
October 2, 2023
de 14h à 20h
WeWork, 198 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris
Register now


Speaker : How to make decisions in an uncertain environment?

Samah Karaki

Reflections on uncertainty and decision-making are taking on a new dimension. They highlight the crucial importance of cognitive flexibility and adaptability in the face of the challenges of a world in perpetual motion, and not just in car rental.Samah Karaki will present the results of her research. She will show how decision-making is constantly shaken by omnipresent uncertainty, pushing individuals and organizations to juggle risks and opportunities in a delicate balance.

After a PhD in Neuroscience, Samah Karaki worked on the neural mechanisms of emotional and social behavior, while teaching at the Paris Descartes Institute of Psychology. Her work also focuses on the mechanisms involved in the emergence of behavioral habits, enabling us to understand how these are acquired or can be changed. Through her conferences, training courses and consultancy assignments, she shares the contributions of affective and social neuroscience to a better understanding of the conditions required for human resilience and creativity, both individually and collectively.

She is the author of "Working in a team" (in French), 2021, and "Talent is a fiction" (in French), 2023.


  • Insights. Since 2022, the draft of automatic rate recommendation is launched. Charles and Yohann will elaborate its benefits, functionality, and value in pricing strategy.
  • Target assists you in simulating the upcoming years to set some revenue goals. Thibaud presented you the concept last year. Get a deeper insight on how the module works to prepare 2024 following various scenarii.
  • Demand forecast. Chat GPT and MidJourney are popular, but data quantity, quality, and model tuning are crucial for efficient AI models. Christian and Laurie share how AI aids revenue managers to see the future clearer.
  • Learning Center of WeYield has been released. Unlock your full potential and gain knowledge, upgrade skills, and achieve success on your terms.

5... no, 6 reasons to participate

Attending the WeYield Forum can be beneficial for several reasons

  1. Networking Opportunities: The forum provides a platform for car rental professionals, yield management experts, and decision-makers to come together. Attending the event allows you to network with like-minded individuals, build connections, and establish relationships that can be valuable for your career or business.
  2. Knowledge Sharing: The WeYield Forum brings together revenue managers and car rental general managers from various sectors, providing a unique opportunity to gain insights and knowledge from car hire leaders. Through panel discussions, presentations, and workshops, you can learn about the latest trends, best practices, and innovative solutions in the field.
  3. Industry Updates: The forum serves as a hub for industry updates and discussions. By attending, you can stay informed about the current challenges, emerging technologies, and regulatory changes affecting the car rental market. This knowledge can help you adapt your yield management strategies and stay ahead of the competition.
  4. Collaboration and Partnerships: The forum fosters collaboration and partnerships among car rental professionals. By engaging in conversations and sharing ideas, you may discover opportunities to collaborate with other participants on projects, joint ventures, or research initiatives. Such partnerships can lead to new projects and help drive innovation.
  5. Professional Development: Attending the WeYield Forum can contribute to your professional development. By participating in workshops or educational sessions, you can enhance your revenue management skills, gain new perspectives, and stay updated with the latest industry practices like demand forecast and automatic pricing udpates. This can benefit both your personal growth and your organization's success.
  6. Exposure and Visibility: Being present at the WeYield Forum can enhance your visibility within the industry. It provides a platform to showcase your expertise, share your revenue experiences, and establish yourself as a thought leader in car rental optimization. This increased exposure can open up new opportunities for speaking engagements, collaborations, or career advancements.

Overall, attending the WeYield Forum offers a valuable opportunity to connect, learn, and contribute to the growth and development of the car rental business. It can help you stay informed, expand your network, and gain new insights that can drive your professional or business success.

Our last event

What they said about this event

The forum was really great and enriching in every way.
Laurence, Revenue Manager, Jumbo Martinique

Our experts

Thibaud Dejean
WeYield Product and Innovation Engineer at WeYield

Transform Your Business Future in 10 Minutes

As a yield manager, anticipating the future is your ultimate responsibility. Now, with WeYield's Target module, you can simulate the year ahead in just minutes. Explore different scenarios, tweak variables like fleet size, market segments, and geography, and analyze criteria such as revenue per day, utilization, and fleet size.

Leave behind those cumbersome Excel spreadsheets and embrace a new era of long-term forecasting and dynamic simulations. Join Thibaud as he guides you through the recently released Target module, now accessible to everyone. Don't miss out!"

Charles Olympio & Yohann Martin
WeYield Product and Innovation Engineers

Unleash the Power of Automatic Rate Recommendation!

Ever wondered about the mind-boggling number of combinations you encounter daily, multiplying your stations, groups of cars, and durations? Is it a few hundred? Perhaps even a few thousand?

Fear not, because Charles has the ultimate solution! And Yohann, the amazing display to use the best of them!

Introducing the cutting-edge Car Rental Insights module, meticulously crafted by Charles and our clients following a co-building approach.

Say goodbye to manual calculations and hello to a streamlined approach. This game-changing tool identifies the combination with the greatest impact on your car rental business, allowing you to focus your efforts for unparalleled performance. Don't miss out on this game-changing opportunity!"

Christian Cadéré & Laurie Guénin
WeYield Researchers in Demand Forecast

AI is everywhere in the news today: Chat GPT, MidJourney are the most talked about, but in each field some companies are pretending to disrupt business models thanks to AI working magically out of the box.

What is less talked about is the sheer amount of data quantity, quality, and model tuning that lies behind any efficient AI models.

At WeYield we believe in the power of AI as well, and we’ll share with you the latest results with our clients and present how AI already helps revenue managers in their day to day tasks.

Anne-Claire Levrault & Morgane Pogarsky
Learning Center Manager

Unlock learning content at your pace

Experience the WeYield Learning Center, an empowering hub that grants car rental clients access to invaluable tools, guidance, and resources precisely when they need them.

Boost your educational journey and achieve your goals with unrivaled efficiency.

And that's not all! Join Anne-Claire and Morgane as she unveils the groundbreaking Yield Assessment module. Now, you can self-assess the yield expertise of your revenue manager like never before. Don't miss this game-changing opportunity!

The forum was really great and enriching in every way.
Laurence, Revenue Manager, Jumbo Martinique

Getting to the event

Sessions in 
October 2, 2023
de 14h à 20h
WeWork, 198 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris
Register now

Master your Success

New techniques and tools during workshops
Deep dive into data and real optimization situations
Eperience and study cases between peers

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