Forum Paris 2022

Register now
September 19, 2022
From 2pm to 10pm
Événement terminé

Event details

You are an independent car rental company or franchisee?

You want to take back the control of your business from the brokers?

You dream of clear management indicators?

You want to become the king of the pricing strategy?

For 10 years, WeYield has been revolutionizing revenue management practices and accompanying its clients' growth with three core themes that also serve as a guideline for REVENUE MANAGEMENT FORUMS:

  • Co-constructing performance tools to truly adapt them to the needs of executives and revenue managers
  • Consolidate decision making by deconstructing the beliefs around price
  • Improve the skills of your teams by relying on WeYield's team and tools, experts in mobility, revenue management and data.

Practical information

Sessions in 
September 19, 2022
From 2pm to 10pm
Comet-Ternes, 8 Rue Torricelli, Paris 75017
Register now


Emmanuel Scuto, CEO, welcomes you and animates the forum with his guests and speakers.


How to get automated recommendations with INSIGHTS?

Discover the brand new module that whispers in the ear of the revenue manager to show him the opportunities not to be missed! 

Workshop led by Charles Olympio

Product and Innovation Engineer at WeYield

Pricing: how to manage a day in the blink of an eye with UPDATER?

Find on a single screen all the necessary indicators for your pricing strategy. Imagine that tomorrow it could include price recommendations! 

Workshop led by Yohann Martin

Analyst and developer at WeYield

Business: how to build a commercial BUDGET for 2023?

Use the apps to simulate the next year and set your commercial objectives, then pilot your business with a clear direction thanks to the new BUDGET module currently under development. 

Suffering? That was before!

Workshop led by Thibaud Dejean

Product and Innovation Engineer at WeYield

E-learning: discover the WeYield ACADEMY and get more powerful!

With Anne Claire and Charles, discover the new learning paths and the WeYield resource center. All the essence of WeYield at your disposal 24/7! 

Workshop led by Anne-Claire Levrault

Academy and Office Manager at WeYield



Forecasting demand with artificial intelligence: what impact?

What were the gaps between the forecasts made by machine learning and reality? What degree of accuracy can we expect from forecasting tools?

Round table discussion with our user panelists.

Plenary moderated by Christian Cadéré

CTO at WeYield

PROSPECTIVE with Dominique Barth,  Guest Speaker

Mobility As a Service: how to think about the evolution of the provision of vehicles to private individuals, implement dynamic pricing and manage resources?

"Urban mobility and its social, environmental and economic challenges lead us to think about the evolution of the provision of vehicles to individuals in a "MaaS" approach. In a dynamic, competitive context and with a limited amount of data, Machine Learning is a real prospect for dynamic pricing and resource management." 

With Dominique, we will be able to project ourselves into the future and start to design the offer of tomorrow.

Director of the SIHS Research Federation of the CNRS

Researcher and eminent expert in computer sciences, Dominique Barth is Professor at the University of Versailles-St Quentin / University of Paris-Saclay.

He also leads the DAVID laboratory, whose project explores the digital city, its applications and its consequences. He is Director of the SIHS Research Federation of the CNRS and of the joint laboratory-ANR HYPHES.

We are honored to have him with us.

We are proud to collaborate with Dominique through a thesis work in progress.

Register now with your team.

Reinvigorate your vision of revenue management.

This year for our 10th anniversary, a virtual reality headset to win during our event and some other surprises!

We can't wait to meet you in person and share this moment with you.

Our last event

What they said about this event

Special 10 years event not to be missed! Sharing, conviviality and ... a big gift for one of you!
Emmanuel Scuto CEO

Our experts

Pr. Dominique Barth
Director of the SIHS Research Federation of the CNRS

Researcher and eminent expert in computer sciences, Dominique Barth is Professor at the University of Versailles-St Quentin / University of Paris-Saclay. He also leads the DAVID laboratory, whose project explores the digital city, its applications and its consequences. He is Director of the SIHS Research Federation of the CNRS and of the joint laboratory-ANR HYPHES.

He presented the results of research on mobility issues and their impact on the "mobility as a service" approach.He insisted on the importance of data, in volume but especially in quality, which is the crucial element of any good optimization.Dominique does not believe that there is "magic" in AI but a laborious work of data collection, a rigorous training of the models and a pragmatic vision of the daily use of the results to be adapted to the car rental context.

We are proud to collaborate with Dominique through a thesis work in progress.

Charles Olympio
WeYield product and innovation engineer at WeYield

Have you ever calculated the number of combinations you face each day when you multiply your number of stations x groups of cars x duration? A few hundred? Maybe a few thousand?

Since you don't have time to do all this manually, Charles introduced the new Car Rental Insights module he is designing.

The objective is to highlight for you the combination with the highest impact on your car rental business and allow you to focus on it for maximum performance.

Yohann Martin
WeYield product and innovation engineer at WeYield

The WeYield applications are super comprehensive and detailed to dive deep into the analysis. But the difficulty is having multiple tabs open to go through the different features.

Yohann introduced a new module called Updater. This is a central control panel that allows you to instantly view all key performance indicators in 30 seconds and optimize your business.

It was designed following feedback from customers on how they use the different modules of the applications.

Thibaud Dejean
WeYield product and innovation engineer at WeYield

The preparation of the budget is a special moment in the year because it allows us to look ahead to the next period.

Most of the time, it is made from data extractions in Excel and allows to establish different scenarios, which is long and tedious.

Thibaud presented his current work on the creation of the Budget module in WeYield applications. It will allow to make a forecast of the commercial activity allowing to establish a precise action plan. It will be possible to make several scenarios, to archive them and to choose one that will be used as a basis of comparison for the real.

Anne-Claire Levrault
Learning Center and Office Manager at WeYield

Working to continuously improve the skills of car rental employees is a major issue for team retention and company performance. This requires a good command of performance optimization techniques as well as a perfect knowledge of revenue management theory.

Anne-Claire and Charles presented the new Learning Center project. It will be used to train the teams in charge of Yield Management in your company. It can also be the heart of your company's internal knowledge sharing and the storage of your procedures to make sure that nothing gets lost.

Christian Cadéré
Technical Director at WeYield

Since 2019, WeYield has been working on building a forecasting model to more accurately anticipate your future car rental business.Christian, WeYield's CTO, has developed an AI-based algorthmic model that has been tested by various customers.

During this roundtable, Emmanuel de Brosses (consultant, Optimister) and Etienne de Casabianca (Director of Revenue and Capacity, Europcar Atlantique) came to share their experience and their first concrete results of using forecasting in their optimization decisions.

Emmanuel Scuto
Founder and CEO at WeYield

For him, revenue management is a game where you need to have all the cards in your hand. Emmanuel founded WeYield in 2012. A choice made after 25 years of experience with the largest groups for whom revenue management is central (Hotel Groups, Theme Parks, International Car Renters). He shares his passion for the business and enables his clients to work better with the power of digital technologies. In 10 years, he has made WeYield a unique and globally recognized player in the car rental revenue management industry.

Special 10 years event not to be missed! Sharing, conviviality and ... a big gift for one of you!
Emmanuel Scuto CEO

Getting to the event

Sessions in 
September 19, 2022
From 2pm to 10pm
Comet-Ternes, 8 Rue Torricelli, Paris 75017
Register now

Master your Success

New techniques and tools during workshops
Deep dive into data and real optimization situations
Eperience and study cases between peers

Our upcoming events

Are you ready to work with more efficiency and in a relaxed way?

Yes, I want to change